Plane Cents Multi-State Permit to Carry
This course prepares you to apply for your Minnesota carry permit. You will also be given information on applying for Florida. The course covers the safe use of a pistol, the fundamentals of pistol use, the fundamental legal aspects of pistol possession, carry and use, including self-defense and the restrictions on the use of deadly force. Students are expected to be familiar with basic gun handling and gun safety. The shooting qualification portion of the class will be held at various locations noted on the header of the class schedule unless otherwise notified by instructor. The cost is up to $20.00 and includes targets.
PCSD Conceal & Carry Class
- Multi-State Conceal & Carry
Men bring your wife or girlfriend to my class Free!
They pay only if they want the permit at the end of the class! This is a great way to get your significant other to understand what you are doing and why.
Other Options
Private Classes
Many people have schedules that make it impossible to attend one of our regular dates and need a special class. While we need to charge more for private permit to carry classes, we are happy to accommodate your schedule — I even have done classes that start at 10 pm for realtors. We also offer private shooting discipline training for beginner through advanced, including basic gun handling, practical self-defense, point shooting, and advanced shooting techniques, which can include several simulator options. Just call Joe at 612-327-3490 for more information.
Handgun Familiarization
This class is designed for those who want to understand the legal use of deadly force and get comfortable with their handgun, but do not want to carry at this time. Course includes 1 hour of lecture on the use of deadly force and one hour of range time to familiarize you with your handgun.
This is a private course scheduled at your convenience. Cost is $125. To schedule a class, call me at (612) 327-3490 or email me at If you don’t have your own handgun yet, we can talk about options.
Skill builder classes
No matter what your level of skill is, I will custom build a class for you getting you up to speed for your particular self-defense needs. Whether you’re new to handguns or have a job that requires you to take risks, we can teach you how to be prepared.
Large Groups
We will do group rates at your location. They will be priced based on ther number that will be attending. If say 30 are said to be committed to come and only 20 show up. We will still charge based on the 30 originally scheduled. This is only fair. We have done classes as far away as 150 miles so this is not a problem. Be aware of the fact we need a place to shoot.
This is a unique gift to your employees. We will come to your location or you can come to ours.
Yes I love to come to colleges and speak about self-defense and firearms carry permits. Just call me. Several colleges refer students to me regularly, some even have my flyers in the lunch rooms I am told.